What's cooking?

By Hunter - 06/12/2010 06:17

Today, my five year-old son was sick with a stomach bug. He didn't want to leave my side, so I grabbed a bowl from the kitchen for him to puke into. The thing is, it was dark in the kitchen and I accidentally grabbed a strainer. My new outfit is now ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 743
You deserved it 33 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be worried about your kid being sick. not your outfit getting ruined, because that is easily washed. o_O


That's disgusting you grabbed a bowl? Grab a garbage can... could have avoided this problem..

lol ya no shit... I've never once thought of pukin in a bowl

if your kids is sick why did you have a new outfit on?

I don't even know how you accomplished that. My bowls dont have handles therefore I'd be forced to grab the "bowl" part.. realizing it's a strainer. Then again, I'm not dumb enough to wear new clothes around a sick child either.

Can't you tell the difference with a bowl and a strainer? Why use a bowl.., that's gross. Wouldn't you get a bucket?

ulicksam 0

Big difference between a bowl and strainer, even in the dark. Who pukes in a bowl anyway? It would only splash out. YDI.

79DrAwkwArD97 0

You're the special type of idiot that "The Clapper" was invented for... if you can't be bothered to fond a light switch, you might consider this a solid investment...

ruined? Just chuck it in the wash. If you were wearing something un-washable, or a very delicate material, or a material that stains easily, well YDI for wearing that sort of thing around a sick kid who could potentially throw up on you (or elsewhere, that you'd have to clean up while wearing those clothes). I had three younger siblings, over our lives we threw up on all sorts of things - clothes, bedsheets, carpet - and none of it stained (although carpets took some scrubbing :P). And to all the people whinging about getting a bowl, get over it. Once you wash it with detergent it will be fine.

dstchuck 0
lidemocr 0

actually this reply is the most intelligent thing written this far

That's what the light switch is for, dumbass.

Am I missing something, or do you not own a toilet? If it's good enough for Jack Daniels, it's good enough for a stomach bug.