What's up?

By madib33 - 11/01/2014 05:49 - United States

Today, after much debate, I let my mom wax my eyebrows. Now I get to look super surprised until they grow back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 475
You deserved it 9 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TyT63 12

there's a freshman at my school who has eyebrows shaped like triangles... he always looks way too surprised


chriisteex 10

Buy an eyelash growth serum and apply it on your eyebrow hairs every night before bed. They'll grow back much quicker!

Next time try threading; I think you'll like the results. Just don't let your mom do it.

Ok who keeps putting ydi ill hunt them down

You could try the whole thing where girls draw on or fill in missing parts of eyebrows. I'm sure YouTube or other parts of the Internet can show you how. At least they'll grow back eventually. Until then, sorry OP, and FYL

Could be worse, you could have one permanently raised like Mr. Spock.

Hope they grow back some times they don't trust me on that one. best of luck.

sarahbevan20 11

I had a similar experience recently, only at a hair salon. They literally waxed half of my brows off from the inside, and went from the outer corner of my eye to the middle of my eye. At least you still have eyebrows! :) But if it really bothers you and you're extremely self conscious like I was, you can go to Ulta and get an Anastasia brow palette. I highly recommend it! It makes them look more normal after you've practiced with it for a bit. :)

I don't mean to seem harsh, but if you were debating THAT much, wouldn't it be better to go to a licensed professional?

Haha. My friends and I walk up to girls like op and asked if we surprised them. Their reaction is priceless.

Well? Were you surprised by the results?