What the **** was that?

By Hatty - 14/03/2010 10:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I was sitting on the toilet when I felt something brush my shoulder. I turned around in fright, and one of my bum cheeks slipped off the seat and into the toilet, making me fall sideways and hit my face on the toilet roll holder. I now have a black eye. It was my hair on my shoulder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 732
You deserved it 23 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

frickyourlives 0

I can only assume you have no arms, as when falling, first instinct is to use your arms to protect and steady yourself.

oh no something is on my shoulder! im gonna go jump off the toilet and hit my face on the toilet paper!


SirWhatsHisFace 0

I will never understand how a woman can take hot wax, put it on herself, have her hair ripped out from the roots, and still be afraid of something so silly.

That made me lol to tears. Good job op.

XxKeLs3yxX 0
squirell_AIDS69 0
XxKeLs3yxX 0

your hair is trying to kill you and your toilet was an accomplice. the toilet roll holder was just in the wrong place at the wrong time though.

KurouTenshi 0

@26 I'm favouriting this FML just for this comment x) it makes me giggle.

Yeah, fisheb, but it's the innocent paper holder that will take the rap. Damn frame up jobs; that's just how the world works.

haha once my hair scared me while I fell asleep at school it was really embarrassing when I woke up!!! lmao

you must have some damn long hair...

isn't there paper on the roll..it would kind of cushion you "fall" lol

ChocolateTazer 0

LOL! So it's a double fail?

thats like saying a mattress will save you from a 50 foot fall.