What the…?

By tor - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, one of my bosses came into work and told me that they had seen my dad's twin in the supermarket holding hands and kissing a much younger woman and her baby. My dad doesn't have a twin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 106
You deserved it 2 632

Top comments

Um.. I think he meant to use "twin" as a phrase. I.E, "you could be twins!"


Second Life - Your dad is playing it.

the woman AND her baby or the woman WITH a baby

There are a lot of people that look like each other. It's possibly can't be your dad.

Hich17 0

I really wouldn't worry about this one. I use the "twin" phrase a lot, but I always mean it to say "I saw a guy that looked like your dad"... etc.

jewelzgalore 0

FUUUCCCKKKK just let it all out.

MAYBE BECAUSE THE BOSS KNOWS THE FAMILY AND HE KNEW THAT THE WOMEN THAT was with your dad isn´t your mother so he assume that your dad has a twin

FOBpeteyisgay 0

By twin he meant a look-alike...

Either he's too nieve to think your dad would do that or it was sarcasm. Still sucks either way .

So your dad has a new baby. lol I hope you confront him.