What the…?

By willywonks - 21/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with flowers and dinner at her apartment. After I knocked, a handsome young man answered the door. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized, only to hear my girlfriend's voice call from the background, "Baby, who's there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 165 282
You deserved it 8 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments


oh damn cheating on you the whole time. im sorry im sure u can do better.

what a bitch. hope you know how many girls wished to have a boyfriend who surprised them like that.


dude, rage smash on the guys face? then later rage quit the relationship? he does deserve a beat down.. and, sorry that happened man. if any girl does it, toss em back into the ocean and reset your bait. :)

Facebook saved me from this situation before not going to lie. I uncovered things and dumped her fast. Also, get some gaming, and your favorite activity (Mines drumming) and listen to "Over You" by Chris Daughtry... ^^ This gets me everytime.

So you've been going out for two years and can't remember which apartment is hers? Maybe you've neglected her so much that not only do you not know where her apartment is, but she's decided she needs a real man. This FML is stupid. YDI

its ur fault for not calling first:)

hateevryone 14
nixibeast 0
naughty_angel94 0

Wow, what a terrible thing to happen, did u dump her