What the…?

By willywonks - 21/03/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with flowers and dinner at her apartment. After I knocked, a handsome young man answered the door. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized, only to hear my girlfriend's voice call from the background, "Baby, who's there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 165 282
You deserved it 8 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments


oh damn cheating on you the whole time. im sorry im sure u can do better.

what a bitch. hope you know how many girls wished to have a boyfriend who surprised them like that.


I would have said to the gentle man exuse me and crush then throw the objects you got her and said **** you u heartless bitch

How do you know that isn't like her brother or something?

#168, who the hell calls their brother 'baby'?!

rocker_chick23 27

Uh...#168: Normal people don't call male family members baby.

Hey if he's good looking then its fine I guess? Even you think so.

Hit that guy in the mouth then beat him with flowers

Sam_A16_ 6

That really sucks sorry about that OP. Hope you find someone better because you don't deserve that! No one does.

that's when you say "your New ex-boyfriend, *****!"

why did she have her side man Ander the door? she's not only a cheater she's a stupid one