Where am I?

By Anonymous - 02/03/2014 05:03 - United States

Today, I set up a small social gathering for a few friends. One of them didn't have a ride, so the others, who'd already shown up, went to go give him a ride. After no sign of them for a whole hour, I called to see what was wrong. They went out to eat and completely forgot about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 219
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29

Next time 'forget' to invite them to any party or gathering you have. Top notch friendship there.


I don't understand why they all left you to go get him. Why didn't you go too?

I did wonder as I was reading this why ALL of the people who had already arrived had to go and get him... Those people are assholes, and they aren't your friends.

My though exactly. The clue should have been everyone had to leave to pick up the one guy.

I just figured that by small gathering OP meant three people and himself. That way it makes sense, friends a and b left to get friend c. The forgetting OP part I have trouble understanding. That is just inexcusable.

Even if there was only 3 people, only one person needed to pick up the other friend, not two.

I can just imagine 10 people climbing into a clown car and the driver telling OP, "Yeah, we'll be back with Rob in, like, a minute..."

Who needs enemies with friends like that!

"Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated. If they can't see your true value, it's time to drop them and move on". :p Badly paraphrased, but the point's the same. You aren't a doormat, Op, don't be one.

Cadillac4427 8

I don't even understand why ALL of them had to go....it was only 1 person that needed to get picked up

Grauncho 27

Here's to hoping they get food poisoning.

Why did they all need to go pick him up? maybe they planned this before

thats horrible, keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer