Where am I?

By Anonymous - 02/03/2014 05:03 - United States

Today, I set up a small social gathering for a few friends. One of them didn't have a ride, so the others, who'd already shown up, went to go give him a ride. After no sign of them for a whole hour, I called to see what was wrong. They went out to eat and completely forgot about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 219
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29

Next time 'forget' to invite them to any party or gathering you have. Top notch friendship there.


SirGmoney 9

even if they forgot about the gathering you still have great friends.

Sure, they might be friends for agreeing to meet up at OP's house in the first place instead of avoiding him altogether or declining his invitation, but I wouldn't call them *great* friends.

They were bored with you but they didn't tell you and that one was the easiest scuse to get out and do something else, anyway they could just tell you or ask you to join them.

DanceJunkie98 4

The word is "excuse". Not "scuse". You're not five, and speech impediments are not typed out. Seriously, learn English.

30, you know, there are nicer ways to go about the spelling. Plus "scuse" is slang. You wouldn't jump down someone's throat if they said "gonna" or "cus" would you? I'd understand if there were multiple mispellings and what not but there weren't. It was a bit uncalled for.

It's time to change your circle of friends

Why did they all leave to pick him up? Wouldn't one have been able to get the job done?

Get over it and laugh it off. It's not so bad and one day you'll be forgiven too

Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling Down, down, down

Thar sucks. I hope they apologized, and meant it.

Better friends might be a better idea then maybe you won't be forgotten about...