Where am I?

By Anonymous - 02/03/2014 05:03 - United States

Today, I set up a small social gathering for a few friends. One of them didn't have a ride, so the others, who'd already shown up, went to go give him a ride. After no sign of them for a whole hour, I called to see what was wrong. They went out to eat and completely forgot about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 219
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29

Next time 'forget' to invite them to any party or gathering you have. Top notch friendship there.


You should have gone with them. Take the party with you. because if you just sit at home waiting for them to return, then you're not being very social yourself are you?

I've had a similar thing happen as well. I organized a movie night at my place and told all my "friends" about it. They all seemed interested. They should have been, because they all said I should have a movie night at my place. One person showed up, and he wasn't one of those who said I should do it. Needless to say, these people aren't my friends anymore and I've found a much better social circle.

Haha sorry that's the funniest things Iv read today do far But dang that's sucks for you

robertmil90 10

Eh, at least your "friends" bothered to show up. Any time I try to make plans to hang out with my "friends", they usually just ignore my calls and messages. On the bright side, at least my "friends" are honest about not wanting to hang out with me; they don't give me the runaround like your "friends" did. Sorry about that, OP. Not to condemn socialization, but being to yourself can be therapeutic. It helps you see a different aspect of humanity, away from the tinted glasses of others.

fake friends are just a waste of time