Where am I?

By Anonymous - 02/03/2014 05:03 - United States

Today, I set up a small social gathering for a few friends. One of them didn't have a ride, so the others, who'd already shown up, went to go give him a ride. After no sign of them for a whole hour, I called to see what was wrong. They went out to eat and completely forgot about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 219
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingdomgirl94 29

Next time 'forget' to invite them to any party or gathering you have. Top notch friendship there.


Wow, that really hurts. Although I'm not sure why everyone was required to pick up the friend without a ride. One person should've been sufficient for that...Maybe that was your first clue =/. I would've cried, though lol. Wish I could give you a hug.

MayGirl2320 8

Seems like they planned to do that all along. Either way, they suck!

doglover100 28

They seemed to plan that unfortunately. You need better friends.

Now that is just rude and inconsiderate. Next time they want to hitch a ride with you, organise to pick them up and don't show. And when they ask where were you, just tell them you met done new people and forgot about them. FYL

carterjanelle 9

Time to find new friends! Ones with an attention span longer than a goldfish.

VoodooPriestess 16

I once made plans with a friend (which involved her quite a bit) only to have her call 20 minutes before our scheduled time to go and say her family didn't feel like waiting. I had to call my friend who was 10 minutes away from their house and tell her they cancelled, but since she already left and had no cell phone, I had to wait for her to call me and find out what was going on. We weren't happy. And people suck. FYL.

some friends! sorry, that really sucks a lot. i know me friends keep deserting me, too.