Where there's a will…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Warwick

Today, my grandpa told my mom that he needs to rewrite his will soon. I jokingly said that I was going to be stinking rich when he passes away. He retorted that he's never forgiven me for rear-ending his car six years ago, and because of this, I'll never see a penny of his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 427
You deserved it 34 664

Same thing different taste


well maybe what you get might just be worth a good amount of cash...but take note never crack a smartass a joke to an older man or women their counters are a killer and they will most likely burn you...

rixietrixie 25

Who jokes about benefiting from someone's death, especially when said person is in ur presence (which is pretty much saying to their face, "I can't wait until u die") ydi

pigbilly 0

That joke was harsh but what he did was ****** up too. My grandfather can take a joke like that.

YDI considering you said it in front of him. Joking or not.

I kept thinking. hmm it's an FML, it's not. There are just some things you never say out loud. think that joke all you want. Don't repeat it. Sorry but you totally deserve it

Were you texting? Did you not pay for the damages? As you get older, you learn to use little things like that to judge someone's character and, as such, their ability to be the custodian of your heard-earned money.

Wadlaen 23

Seems like a poor excuse to disown someone...