Where there's a will…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Warwick

Today, my grandpa told my mom that he needs to rewrite his will soon. I jokingly said that I was going to be stinking rich when he passes away. He retorted that he's never forgiven me for rear-ending his car six years ago, and because of this, I'll never see a penny of his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 427
You deserved it 34 664

Same thing different taste


GaurdGirl 5

Guys, lay off. I've made jokes about my grandparents passing, they take it fine. And if you look, the rear-ending happened SIX years ago, as in 2006. The OP probably want on a learners permit or just starting to drive. OP sorry, your grandpa can hold a grudge against his own blood like that.

Regardless, it is selfish of OP to make jokes like that. If I was the grandfather, rear ended car or not that selfish grandson isn't getting a single possesion of mine.

Ah, the old people. They don't let anything slip past them, do they? BOFs.

Kind of an overreaction on your gramp's part..........

He reacted just fine. Why be lighthearted when a grandchild says he'll profit from your death? It's rude.

The grandpa is the asshole? OP is an asshole for expecting to get anything from his grandpa's passing. When my grandpa passes, which could happen anytime, what I might have possibly gotten from his will is going to be the absolute LAST thing on my mind.

PandaSpots 10

You shouldn't joke about that.... Even if he is gonna die soon.

You have NO reason to expect a dime. Go get your own money and forget about his. Oh, and YDI.

Okay I have a question for you..... WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?