Where there's a will…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Warwick

Today, my grandpa told my mom that he needs to rewrite his will soon. I jokingly said that I was going to be stinking rich when he passes away. He retorted that he's never forgiven me for rear-ending his car six years ago, and because of this, I'll never see a penny of his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 427
You deserved it 34 664

Same thing different taste


I think he was joking around... This fml was unnecessary.

Ydi. If you have the kind of relationship where you can say that jokingly then he was joking back, so posting the fml is pointless. If you don't have that kind of relationship then you're an asshole for what you said.

hateevryone 14

That sucks huh? You should apologize before he goes.

noisebox 1

You can always contest the will when he kicks the bucket

You don't deserve a penny of his money, and you were lucky that you weren't smacked for that insolence, frankly.

Oh you'll get his money, about $500,000 in Monopoly money.

YDI for rear-ending his car and for automatically assuming that he was going to leave you a bunch of money after he dies. Sounds like you're more concerned about what he may leave you in his will than his health. Selfish brat, you don't deserve any of his money, just like he said.

what would possess you to say something so stupid?

You know what lots of money makes you? A dick.

Jeffers123 5

U guys are acting like op's an asshole, WTF DID HE DO?!? He/she made a joke, wasn't like he/she's a pig, so no, he doesn't deserve not getting a penny.....but he still does get a YDI, for the fact that he did rear end the car, but it's still an absurd punishment....