Will youuuuuuu ?

By Ido - 26/08/2010 20:06 - Canada

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend from the top of a bungee jumping platform at an amusement park. I yelled out, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" from the platform, pointing her out. Turns out, I was pointing at the wrong girl. My girlfriend was very angry and ran away when the wrong girl yelled, "Yes!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 173
You deserved it 16 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not recognizing your own girlfriend..

chocolatedrop 0

i first read this and thought of the fresh prince of bel air


RedPillSucks 31

When you pointed to the wrong girl, she probably thought you were fulfilling the male stereotype "Any hole will do". Next time call out her name.

harmtouch 0

hey you win some, you lose some.

Oh I have no clue than. Only time I've been on the website was to change my avatar.

ydi unless you already jumped before you pointed.

just like the fresh prince of bel air :)

ImfromCanada 0

look on the bright side, other girl said yes lolll

twoo87 0

ydi for picking the fat chick out in the crowd