Will youuuuuuu ?

By Ido - 26/08/2010 20:06 - Canada

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend from the top of a bungee jumping platform at an amusement park. I yelled out, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" from the platform, pointing her out. Turns out, I was pointing at the wrong girl. My girlfriend was very angry and ran away when the wrong girl yelled, "Yes!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 173
You deserved it 16 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not recognizing your own girlfriend..

chocolatedrop 0

i first read this and thought of the fresh prince of bel air


Exactly what I was thinking would have done it on the Behemoth instead though :P

i hate to call fake, but i call fake.

I doubt this is fake. Think about it; he probably didn't shout her name and pointed because he wanted all the attentiont to be on her, to make her feel special. Though at the same time, it's pretty dumb because if she rejected like she did, everyone around would see. It's not fake, you people are just retarded and can't extend your minds a bit.

Not the best way of proposing....but look at it this way: Your GF overreacted by a TON, and the wrong girl that said yes might be really nice. xD

SuperNinjaa 0

next time propose at the top of the roller coaster or on the merry go round maybe the tunnel of love?

stop complaining about it on fml and go chase her down and figure things out.

This could be the change you've been dreaming of. Just roll with it.