Won't get fooled again

By chacha_bby - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a party at my house. When my parents came home, my dad asked how the party was. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, to which he responded, "Well, the puke all over the driveway begs to differ." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 759
You deserved it 52 836

Top comments

mewzik 0

always always clean up the mess YDI

You could've said somebody walking by the house did that.


I clicked YDI as soon as I read "I had a party at my house." Granted you could be living on your own, but we all know you wouldn't be putting it on FML if you did.

fili450r 0

hey! i could...i lived alone, at our old house when we moved to new one, trying to sell old one.....had a party, got so drunk (alot of vodka and energy drinks) and i ran through a glass door....Fmylife....

dRose22 0

ahahaha dumbass. Always check everything, even around the house YDI

murder1215 5

please. Save the " love your parents crap" at home. You expect a teenager to tell the truth about anything? Seriously.



OMGitsKaleyxo 0

haha wow i wouldve checked to clean outside too. way to get caught. :p

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

"Didn't you know that's breaking the 10 commandments?" Seriously? What do you want the parents to do to their kid now that he has disobeyed them? Stone him to death? I mean that's what the bible says too.

actually, pimpin88, some parents don't have reason to be respected. Especially the really abusive ones. And people lie. It's a part of life. It's not necessarily a GOOD part of life, but it's there. People have lied in all time periods.

mcsnelly 5

Just wanted to let you know...just because something happens a lot, it doesn't mean it should necessarily just be accepted as a part of life. Would you say that murder is "just a part of life?" It happens a lot and people do it so it must be! (according to your statement...)

shaZamy 0

YDI for doing illegal things :O

That's very small-minded and your post shows your ignorance. You must have had a very sheltered life to assume children should respect their parents. Two people who had a child did not do it for that child. They didn't think before they had it, "Oh I love Adam, so I'm going to give birth to him." They don't deserve any respect for creating that child. Respect is earned, not expected.