Won't get fooled again

By chacha_bby - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a party at my house. When my parents came home, my dad asked how the party was. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, to which he responded, "Well, the puke all over the driveway begs to differ." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 759
You deserved it 52 836

Top comments

mewzik 0

always always clean up the mess YDI

You could've said somebody walking by the house did that.


proud_liberal 0

ydi. if people puked that means they are alcoholics and they beat their wives/girlfriends. you should call the police now and report the alcoholics

iamelrebel 0

that's why you clean up when the party is over YDI

Ughhh...this makes me facepalm. Why the hell would you have a party in the first place. God, people are stupid. YDI.

Wow, I hope you're kidding. I've had parties before, does that make me stupid? Let me introduce myself. I went to a Catholic high school, and was salutatorian of my graduating class (that means I was second out of 182 students in case you don't know). I have a full ride at Ohio State University. I am an Eagle Scout. I've thrown 3-keggers while maintaining a 3.65 GPA in college and being inducted into Sigma Gamma Tau aerospace engineering honor fraternity. Go figure. Moral: judging people is bad. Getting to know people is good. Bagels are good, especially when toasted and topped with strawberry cream cheese. Parties are bad because they promote general acts of debauchery. Parties are good because beer pong is the ultimate test of human skill and thus parties separate those whose lineage is to be continued and those who should cease procreation immediately. Basically I'm saying that parties are essential for the survival of the human race, nay, parties are paramount for the survival of the universe itself. Thank you for your time. Peace. P.S. Chia Obama is racist

alex13013_fml 0

******* stupid..."I've been jumped before in the ghetto"...wtf is wrong with you? Seriously, no one cares about your stupid made up life.

You said a whole lot of nothing man... Keep throwing those parties man whats life with out some fun??

Anytime these FMLs come up, where the kid has a party without their parents permission, the parents always find out there was a party involved, the kid deserves it.

And here you are, expecting sympathy. Wow.

its alright, my parents forwarded me a picture from florida of a the keg, 30 cases of beer, a 3 foot bong and 2 oz of weed. Someone in my house had sent the picture to them while i was still having a party.