Won't get fooled again

By chacha_bby - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a party at my house. When my parents came home, my dad asked how the party was. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, to which he responded, "Well, the puke all over the driveway begs to differ." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 759
You deserved it 52 836

Top comments

mewzik 0

always always clean up the mess YDI

You could've said somebody walking by the house did that.


mewzik 0

always always clean up the mess YDI

YouSuckAtL1fe 0
FapFapFapFap 0

You deserve it for having parents.

Pruudiddy 0

Damn rookie always remember not to makes thing too clean, that's how I was always busted

XYZango 0

Haha fyl, not much you could have done about that, at least it was outside instead of inside...

Maddoctor 10

What do you mean not much you could do about that? You should check every room and all around the house after having a house party your parents don't know about. It's just common sense. A hose would've cleaned that up just fine.

maybe you shouldn't lie to him next time and own up to what you did.

kapowi 0

Agreed. YDI for lying. And for not checking the house to make sure it's clean. And for having a party behind your parents' back in the first place.

You guys are nerds. Still, better than being a dipshit like yours truly.

Little things like that could give you away! You'll be careful next time... if your parents let you have a next time.

You could've said somebody walking by the house did that.

screwtaylor 0

Exactly what I was thinking.

bbboy 0

could have blamed it on the dog.

I think this same FML has been posted, except it was... two someones in the parents' bedroom mustard in the shower and something else obviously out of place and maybe one more...

you forgot to add the one where the father found out via facebook photo

I think there's been one about things glued too the ceiling now too.

kellster 2

Idiot. You shouldn't have had the party in the first place (note: parents ALWAYS know, btw), but if you were going to, it's really not that hard to clean up properly! And it doesn't exactly take a huge intellect to notice puke all over the driveway!