Won't get fooled again

By chacha_bby - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a party at my house. When my parents came home, my dad asked how the party was. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, to which he responded, "Well, the puke all over the driveway begs to differ." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 759
You deserved it 52 836

Top comments

mewzik 0

always always clean up the mess YDI

You could've said somebody walking by the house did that.


i_is_a_tr00l 0

Why thank you, I'm glad I'm appriciated. :D

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Pimpin, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, but the Ghetto is not a lovely place. :)

tk89 0

I have a comment. You suck, GTFO. Just because you have a picture perfect life doesn't mean you should be an asshole and pity all us less fortunate, you ****-off.

cucumberfabulous 7

Haha yes, I agree with you! But I usually do anyways

Yeah, seriously. Your life seems like an absolute utopia. Most people aren't so lucky. Maybe you should take a step back and look how great you have it compared to other people. Get off your high horse, because it's people like you that aren't going to survive once they get out of their sheltered lives with their parents.... i cannot WAIT for you to experience the real world. Start paying bills and taxes and then lets see you preach about how the world is sunshine-y and bright.

oh and btw, this exact thing happened to me: i cleaned up everything completely, and as the last person was leaving, they puked on my driveway (they obviously had a DD) so we ended up having to carry buckets of water through my house (hose didn't reach) and wash his puke away. SO gross. hey, at least i didn't get caught or questioned even once.

Omg this person sounds alot like this person i knew from school who would go off on these ridiculously long rants about everything. @ pimpin88, nobody cares. Keep it short, keep it to the point.

waterynuggets 0

Other than being painfully obvious, the fact that pimpin88 said this "No species anywhere has ever hated their parents, and no human has, until recently in this country." proves 100% that they are a troll.