
By Thisismylife - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I had pizza for lunch. Later, I passed out in front of a customer. Now I get to explain to my boss that I fainted on the job because of heartburn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 708
You deserved it 4 414

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

Call me stupid... But why would your boss get mad at you for being sick and passing out? It's not like you can control that sort of thing.

Was the pizza worth it? Yes, pizza is ALWAYS worth it.


Was the pizza worth it? Yes, pizza is ALWAYS worth it.

Pizza is love, Pizza is life it's always worth passing out over.

Brightbulb 39

I concur #1, I will never stop eating my pizza, even though it fights the entire way. Pizza is love and life all rolled into one yummy dough.

Am I the only one who doesn't like pizza?

I once had a pizza with lots of peppers on it, and ate half the thing myself in one sitting. I still have no regrets, even though I got quite the case of the squirts later on. It was some damn good pizza!

One of the best things about pizza is that it's an edible plate AND you can have pretty much all food groups in a single dish. Pizza, is there anything you CAN'T do?

usaidwhat82 21

People disappoint, pizza is eternal.

Ashd09 30

no you are not #22. I absolutely hate pizza

@22, 26, & 36, you say you don't like pizza but you just haven't found the perfect pizza for you yet. There are so many different kinds of pizzas now that there is probably one for you out there somewhere, you just have to actually look for it but I get the feeling you guys won't do that.

chillandfun 12

That pizza might be worth dying for. I'd have to try some though.

What do you work as? Like, it would be much worse if you're a dietician or something...

She was not worthy enough to eat the pizza. The pizza did not accept her, but yet she ate. OP learned her lesson this time!

ThatTennisKid14 13

I feel like correct grammar and spelling would have been very beneficial to this comment...

lexiieeex3 32

Call me stupid... But why would your boss get mad at you for being sick and passing out? It's not like you can control that sort of thing.

Stupid. Not that I think you are, but you said to. :D

badluckalex 23

some things are best kept to yourself bud

If it's that bad that it knocks you out, then your next pizza better come topped with Tums.