
By eliteslayer29 - 21/12/2009 07:04 - United States

Today, I sent my resume to a place where I hoped to work at. Since the job requires me to be doing work on the run, I put on it that I have a laptop. The only problem is that I always thought it was "labtop." I didn't learn the correct spelling until my daughter called me an idiot, she's 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 483
You deserved it 42 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's hard for me to believe you've never seen the word "laptop" before. How about ads? How about the side of the box your laptop came in? How about news articles? even television ads?

YDI. You should ALWAYS spell check a resume before sending it.


I thought so too, when I was in elementary school. I named my first laptop that, in remembrance. Then named my replacement laptop Grapejuice, in remembrance of Labtop's fate.

dudeitsdanny 9

This made me laugh so hard I almost had to name my next laptop "Felloffthebed" =D

ozymandias_fml 0

I suppose you had a pet hampster when you were younger then?

NotEven 0

OP says whether he had a pet is a mute point.

sondheimmcgeek 0


SeximusPrime 0

You ARE an idiot. Thank about it: It's a computer you set in your LAP. DUH!!

hahaa i always thought it was labtop tooo. until i got mine, which the spelling was on the box :P

Just read more and do some more postings on FML or elsewhere

the only "labtop" i've ever seen was on "sabrina the teenage witch" lol loved that show :-)

dudeitsdanny 9

Hahahaha. I thought of that, too. =)

How did you BUY a laptop without ever seeing how it is spelled? In any computer store, the labels say laptop. On any website, the labels say laptop. And how did you make a resume without spellcheck catching that? Your laptop must really suck if it doesn't even have the ability to run a program that has a spellcheck--you know, all writing programs.

In all fairness they are generally called notebooks these days...