Worst teeth in the game

By stinky breath - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Whittier

Today, I taught my 23-year-old boyfriend how to correctly brush his teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 127
You deserved it 6 725

Top comments

Let's hope he doesn't just brush off your advice.


I just taught my boyfriend how to tie his shoes a week ago.

claysculpture 9

in all fairness, the correct method of brushing teeth is something that's still debated in the dental profession

What is the "correct way"? If he still had all his teeth and nothing was wrong with them, I'd say his old method was correct as well.

If it weren't for people like OP we would be back in the stone ages before the turn of the century!

Anket çözerek para kazanabilirsiniz. linkten üye olarak kazanmaya başlayabilirsiniz.https://csl.ink/3Fgp teşekkürler.

Wadlaen 23

Congratulations! It can only go upwards from now on!