WTF Dad?

By boobs are for baby - 05/06/2018 11:30 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I’m still trying desperately to explain to my boyfriend why I’m not interested in any kind of breast or nipple play. I gave birth to our son just 2 months ago and I strictly breastfeed. He insists it’s "not fair" that the baby gets the breasts all the time. Um, what? FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 291
You deserved it 1 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kitten 12

I could barely stand my own breath on my breasts after two months of breastfeeding. Breast play and nipple play would be excruciating! Yes, boobs are nice and everyone wants to play with them. But you can do that without hurting them, guys.

thehunterofprey 5

As a man I pity this idiot.


michaela 8

Good luck raising a child together

Sorry OP I’m with him lol. That was the best time for it. Especially when your dude wants to feed lol. But different strokes for different folks. Your body your choice honey.

And women wonder why guys cheat while they're pregnant!?!?

shannon.elizabeth 13

oh sorry that breastfeeding = painful boobs and a grown ass man sucking milk from your breasts is ******* weird but yes men cheat bc of this right. **** you