WTF Dad?

By boobs are for baby - 05/06/2018 11:30 - United States - Hesperia

Today, I’m still trying desperately to explain to my boyfriend why I’m not interested in any kind of breast or nipple play. I gave birth to our son just 2 months ago and I strictly breastfeed. He insists it’s "not fair" that the baby gets the breasts all the time. Um, what? FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 291
You deserved it 1 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kitten 12

I could barely stand my own breath on my breasts after two months of breastfeeding. Breast play and nipple play would be excruciating! Yes, boobs are nice and everyone wants to play with them. But you can do that without hurting them, guys.

thehunterofprey 5

As a man I pity this idiot.


next time he shaves glue some on your **** and tell him your ready. He won't bother them ever again....unless he's a big old freak.

Your boyfriend is an idiot. Did no one explain to him that the purpose of a woman's breasts is to feed her kids? That you're up for any frisky business two months after giving birth is pretty impressive, even if boob play is a no-go. Too bad you didn't know he's a selfish asshole before you bred with him.

tounces7 27

Congrats on being with a manchild. Maybe send him back to his mother so he can suck on her teets? He must miss it otherwise he wouldn't be jealous over a baby.

That idiot needs a slap. Make him latch the baby on to his nipples several times and see if he wants his nips played with afterwards.

Teach your baby to kick him in the nuts. Then demand a turn yourself. He might get the hint after 3 or 4 thousand times.

No means no. It's your body, not his. Some men understand this. Unfortunately it is far to few.

Sorry looks like you have two babies at home. Tell the big one to grow up.

AzrielB 8

can't you spare any milk?

hayyad 7

My husband annoyed me so much with this! He said he and our baby girl could share. I was literally grossed out, pissed off and told him to **** off. It's a MAJOR turn off. Seriously guys don't do this at all!