Yapping and chirping

By My headphones were busted - 08/05/2024 06:00 - United States

Today, I was stuck on a packed interstate bus for hours next to 2 complete strangers, even to each other, have an debate about the "Drake and Kendrick beef." They even tried to drag me into it, so… if you happen to read this and recognize yourselves, I was the guy in a white UA hoodie pretending not to speak English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 411
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste


It's staged. There's no malice, just practiced faux hatred going back and forth until the record label/s say stop. A proper diss track shouldn't just insult the enemy, it should destroy them. Like when Eminem used 'Killshot' to take MGK out of the rap game, and he tried to become a rock star instead.

Macklemore has already settled this one by now.