Yes we can

By AnnaWusHere - 03/09/2010 06:18 - United States

Today, my 72 year-old Grandmother informed me she's running for mayor. She's been going around town with homemade signs all day, campaigning to win mayor. She lives in my town. My friend called me to ask if she was high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 193
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so.. support your damn grandma. if she wants to run for mayor you should be getting everyone to vote for her & how's about helping your 72 year old grandma make some damn signs? tell your friend to get her head out of her ass not everyone is "high"

aruss721 0

what? that's awesome! GO GRANDMA! She'd probably be the best mayor you have even had!!!


ahh good old weed btw not even weed can make you do something that embarrassing she might be using something stronger than weed.

imright24 0

So what? Anyone can run for mayor and anyone that does run puts up signs. Who cares if they're homemade. You and your friend sound like real asses. You should have told your friend to shove it. What a crappy grandkid your grandmother has. FHL.

Well what I got from the post was that OP's grandma was a bit crazy, and wasn't actually politically running for mayor, she was just putting random posters up. (Unless putting up random posters is the entire process...? I don't know how it works. Do you have to register or something?)

I don't see why this is an FML... Because your idiot friends think one would need to be high to become an elected official? easy fix - make new friends. F your grandmas life for having family that doesn't believe in her.

WTF FML?! my comment was deleted because I said I couldn't see why this is an fml?!

agree with 13. she's probably bored, and tired of sitting around the house watching her dumbass grandchild sit on the couch texting all day and wants something to do. ungrateful.

lidemocr 0

so?? more power to her. I'd probably much rather have your grandma than the dipshit they have running my city!

why does this mess up your life? get behind her and help her win.

can anyone tell my how I can get a picture?!

justin_brdfrd 0