You can't do anything these days!

By I want a divorce! - 24/07/2024 13:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, even though I told him not to, my husband tried the old “pull a shotgun on your daughter’s date” thing. It turns out the kid’s mom is a lawyer and his uncle is a cop. Now my husband is under investigation for a hate crime, because the kid is a different race than us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 556
You deserved it 348

Same thing different taste


I'm surprised he's even allowed a shotgun in Cali. Sounds like he chose the wrong state to live in with that FAFO. Sorry you had to suffer with his idiocy.

I'm sorry you went through that BS. Glad you're divorcing that toxic manchild.

Yeah, your husband and, by extension, you deserve whatever he gets from this. That's a really stupid "prank" to pull in this day and age. FAFO the hard way...

whackman56789 7

Why does the OP deserve this? She told him not to do it and he went and did it anyway. OP’s husband definitely deserves what he’s been charged with for sure but OP told him it was a terrible thing and not to do it and he ignored her and did it anyway.

"I told him not to" is a lame duck defense.

How was she supposed to stop him, pull a shotgun on him?

It's only funny when you are not on the business end of the shotgun. Anybody would be traumatized by having that happen to them and I hope your husband realizes that the joke is now on him. You don't do that shit to people.

Ethnicity* Races don't exist anymore.