You good, lady?

By Eliza - 04/04/2012 03:40 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I noticed a strange lady following me around in the mall. After a while I began to get creeped out, so I confronted her. Apparently she has to make sure everything she buys is better than what I buy. After a long silence she said, "What? You never noticed me before?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 302
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LilliPage 17

Just go buy a *****. Make sure she is still following you.

Reminds me of my crazy aunt that smells like fish all the time.. *shudders*

sparky333441 18

One can assume she knows where you live and follows you other places because otherwise how could she know when you're shopping. I'd say a restraining order is called for.

briasia 5

Lmfao that's so creepy. But no really, did you ever notice her before? She must have been doing this for a while. You might want to keep an eye on your surroundings, something like this should never go unnoticed. Good luck with her.

IQWasJustLowered 0

you should of bought things that scared her. trash bag, shovel, gloves, carpet cleaner, etc.

Whats the point of that? That chicks retarded who the hell does that