You good, lady?

By Eliza - 04/04/2012 03:40 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I noticed a strange lady following me around in the mall. After a while I began to get creeped out, so I confronted her. Apparently she has to make sure everything she buys is better than what I buy. After a long silence she said, "What? You never noticed me before?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 302
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Op is the crazy one,imagine two women almost taking the same path in the mall, no that would never happen. Ydi op and kudos to the woman for coming up with a quick smart ass answer when you confronted her for no other reason than you are seriously paranoid.

I was thinking the same thing.. It's a mall, people usually start at one end and end at the other. If someone yelled at me for following them, I would give them a sarcastic answer as well.

Britt125 16

Most people don't shop at the same pace or go to all the same stores, you can both start at the same end but it's highly unlikely that you would notice each other around for that long as everybody shops differently.

chels1994 11

What the **** is wrong with some people?

That's just really weird. Maybe you're hallucinating her? Not to jump to conclusions but it being a schizophrenic hallucination makes more sense to me than a random person wanting to constantly be better than someone they don't know.

You've never played any kind of online game have you?

So buy better crap. Force her to go broke buying even better crap. Or take your meds. They make the scary creepy lady hallucinations go away.

Greeeaatttt.... Not! Hadn't you noticed me before??? Hmmm... if the voices are telling her she has to 'one up' you shopping, then what else are they telling her? O_o Does she know where you live? Watch your house at night... Or look in your windows? At some point she could graduate from her current accomplishments to escalating into breaking into your home & raiding your panty drawers, changing her hair to look like you or "become you" in her sick mind. Stalking isn't a joke! I would contact the police to see what your options are. I'd also pay close attention to where she pops up & keep a diary of it. If it progresses, then you'll have proof of how long & to what degree her detachment from reality is. I hope that she is at her max & it will stop. Good luck!

Eye for an eye....follow her around then it's an endless cycle!

trina101 0

Life is to short to follow someone else around

Iknoweverything 29

Am I the only one who wonders how often OP goes to the mall? How many times would a crazy person have to see you there to be able to stalk you effectively by buying better things than you? Maybe OP is there enough to have plenty of mall stalkers.

That woman is epic... Obviously, it was a coincidence that she was going everywhere you were and she came up with a winning statement, finishing it off nicely. That's well played RL trolling.