You good, lady?

By Eliza - 04/04/2012 03:40 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I noticed a strange lady following me around in the mall. After a while I began to get creeped out, so I confronted her. Apparently she has to make sure everything she buys is better than what I buy. After a long silence she said, "What? You never noticed me before?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 302
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kevinn95 0

How would he know??? This is the first time he noticed her -.-

megamandude455 10

Buy the best thing you can think of. That'll show that bitch

Now you know to hide everything you buy.

Are you sure she exists? That's the vibe i'm collecting here.

Britt125 16

There are some weird people out there, pathetic and weird... and creepy. It would have been weird had she not said "what you never noticed me before?" that just made it extremely creepy. How long has she been following you without you noticing, and does she follow you around more than the mall? How else would she know that you're there to follow...or does she just spend way too much time at the mall? Perhaps she wouldn't need to follow you around to see what you're buying and buy better things if she had any sort of a life whatsoever. I'd not be able to sleep wondering what the heck was going on with this creepy lady.