You little…

By thathottchickk - 13/12/2011 22:43 - United States

Today, I volunteered to cater an event at school. A little girl asked for a big slice of cake so I gave it to her. She then puked everywhere and her parents blamed me and made me clean it up. The little girl sat there smiling at me while I cleaned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 399
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have told the parents off. You're a volunteer so forget that.

Just remember, little kids and lots of sweets is usually not a great mix.


cmoore366 0

I used to eat cake , then I took an arrow to the knee..

Little kids and old people......they get away with everything! Passed the little kid stage.....just waiting to get old, so I can Do it all over again!

keshaforever1 14

This is why I hate little kids....

muhilrashid 4

Reminds me of last weeks american dad with the nemo kid 662+4=6 haha

reldnahceus 8

What a little snot- where were her parents at when she ordered the cake?

I would've cleaned it with her stupid little face!

Next time just lock her in your basement...