You little…

By thathottchickk - 13/12/2011 22:43 - United States

Today, I volunteered to cater an event at school. A little girl asked for a big slice of cake so I gave it to her. She then puked everywhere and her parents blamed me and made me clean it up. The little girl sat there smiling at me while I cleaned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 399
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have told the parents off. You're a volunteer so forget that.

Just remember, little kids and lots of sweets is usually not a great mix.


EarAcheMyEYE10 2

You should of told those volunteer parents to go **** themselves... you voluteered your time for the event, not babysitting....

Green_and_Spicy 7

Silly little girl. Her parents should have cleaned up after her, not you!

I'd of cleaned it up then through it all at her and went home. They're not paying you so what are they gonna do.

neonsugarXx 0

What a brat D: I wouldn't clean it, I'd be like .. "umm how about you watch your kid and clean it up yourself, I'm only here to volunteer not watch over and take care of your unsupervised daughter, kay..?" I hate parents like that. And when little kids do that...! It's like they know o-o

pinkWabbits 0

I hate when people say they hate kids. Has nobody noticed all these stupid parents running around? You should NOT have the responsibility of cleaning her puke up. Apparently her parents thought they were your parents too. Ugh.

Why didn't the parents stop you from giving it to her in he first place. **** them

You should have refused and turned around and walked away!