You little…

By thathottchickk - 13/12/2011 22:43 - United States

Today, I volunteered to cater an event at school. A little girl asked for a big slice of cake so I gave it to her. She then puked everywhere and her parents blamed me and made me clean it up. The little girl sat there smiling at me while I cleaned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 399
You deserved it 3 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have told the parents off. You're a volunteer so forget that.

Just remember, little kids and lots of sweets is usually not a great mix.


skyeyez9 24

You volunteered for an event, not to listen and comply to a parents demand to clean up their kid's vomit. You should have said "NO."

skyeyez9 24

Why wern't they watching their brat to make sure she wasn't eating something she wasn't supposed to anyways? Sounds like the parents I see on the playground blabbing away on their cell phone, while their kid is eating sand and throwing rocks. But as soon as a kid accidentally bumps into her child, or defends himself from the other's rock throwing....cell phone mom bitches at the other kid's parent to keep their kid in line.

Definitely hate parents like that. My boyfriend had that happen at work. The little kid was sick and the parents gave the kid milk. So the little kid pukes all over the bathroom and the parents didn't even clean up. Parents like that make me sick. Literally.

they made u clean it up? tell em off and leave like a G. lol

Kids are not supposed to have a lot of sweets, it makes them really sick. Also, you probably should have asked her parents if she could have the cake. If someone tried giving my son cake without consulting me first, I'd probably be a little mad too. You have to think. What if the child would have had an allergy to something that was in the cake? I completely understand why they got pissed.

@#51: So, it's not your job to watch what and how much your kids eat? You would actually blame someone whose job it is to pass out food for doing their job? It's parents like you who give the rest of us a bad name. If you don't want your child to eat something then it's your job to make sure s/he doesn't. Plain and simple. @OP: You shouldn't have cleaned it up. It wasn't your job. You volunteered and that's what you got. Sorry.

invivoful 10

I believe as parents, we are responsible for knowing what our kids are eating and how much, NOT a volunteer caterer. If they were paying attention then they would've noticed what/how much their child was eating and fixed the issue right then and there.

If you're catering a party with cake, you give cake to people who ask for cake. That's your job. To say that's irresponsible is asinine, especially considering that if the parents were present to make the caterer clean up after their kid, they were also present to monitor the kid's food.

let me guess, your Precious Snowflake... fuckit, I don't feel like composing a lengthy put-down. you're a stunned ****, period.

combatbunny 9

I don't understand why you actually cleaned it up. You're the caterer not the janitor. And for the people saying that the parents have a right to be angry because you gave their kid too much; Parents need to supervise their own goddamn kids!! Are you supposed to play babysitter too? I feel bad for you OP but I hope you learned from the experience...

Would have slapped her mouth hard. "sorry, just trying to help you stop the puking."

If the kid is eating like that now, he/she will be obese for sure. The parents should be watching their child and teaching him/her discipline and moderation. it's the parents who really teach their kids diet and health.

Not necessarily. I'm pretty sure just about everyone has binged on sweets a few times as a kid. The bigger problem is going to be the entitled, irresponsible attitude her parents are reinforcing here.

doodz_fml 5

Because we all know, when people mature, they act exactly like they did as little kids :p

i would have said "she asked for a big piece. it's not my fault that she can't handle her shit" then stared at them with a crazed look till they cleaned it up themselves. You deserve it for having no self respect.