By Anonymous - 13/12/2011 20:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 02/08/2012 00:56 - United Kingdom - March
Is it that rare?
By Anonymous - 14/06/2022 00:00
Pound for pound
By Anonymous - 27/04/2021 14:01
By brittrod - 05/12/2011 01:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/12/2012 18:09 - United States - Victorville
By Anonymous - 28/02/2016 15:57 - United Kingdom
By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France
By AbFlab - 01/06/2010 04:35 - United States
Thanks Karen
By Anonymous - 26/08/2014 15:30 - United States - Gloucester
By r u kidding me? - 09/06/2020 20:00
Top comments
Sounds to me like she's burning off plenty of calories! Or brain-cells :D
I hate when people use "XD". So annoying.
63- seriously. Like whatever happened to simple emoticons like :)?
4- Trying making that face in real life and see what happens.
Wow at your horrible comment.
153 needs to learn how to write a sentence. 169 needs to learn how to spell. 175 needs to learn how to use grammar. XD ;)
176 needs to learn to shut up.
188- that's not spelling though ya dumbshit
192- don't call 188 a dumb shit, he didn't make that accusation, #176 did. 188 merely pointed out the wrong word used.
192- did you just call someone a dumbshit? You must feel so cool right now...
Just nod your head and say yes
Or shake it and say no.
Wait, so burping DOESN'T reduce weight? Shit, so much for my plans to fly
There are a few things you don't just tolerate. A girlfriend liking twilight? Sure, long as they admit it's not the pinnacle of literature. Little quirks are fine. This is fundamental and stubborn ignorance that can be very indicative of her overall personality. OP, explain that if anything not burping reduces her weight. Warm air rises.
Perhaps her excess gas is inside her head.
if she burps enough, she could puke and lose weight that way
That wasn't very creative 31. The rhyme is already there, "an apple" and "doctor" are interchangeable with anything.
*Sigh* If only...
You have a lazy girlfriend who's a blatant idiot. I think you should check yourself on your women preferences...
She sounds so smart lol
Well 114... Mass and weight are two different things..
-#104 Cool story bro.
Tell her semen is a natural fat burner. Your welcome.
Let me guess...she's a Blond right?
5-good one teehee
Op should tell her that she is deflating the air in her head and could cause a catastrophic stupidity meltdown.
Bitches be crazy.
At least she's not sucking helium back to lose weight...
No 66, too stupid.
Ok so I love number 7's picture (and yes I just commented on someone's picture).. I love cats!!!......... And next, ummm.... OP's gf seems dumb as hell. I mean, I AM DITSY and I know burping doesn't do that! But honestly burping isn't hurting her so go on and let her do it, it's not hurting anyone. She can just continue burping thinking she's getting slimmer. What can you do.....
Smile and nod. Don't burst her bubble, if it makes her feel good, why not.
I'll tell you why. Because it doesn't stop with burping or farting to shed weight. Next she will think FMYLife is an advice column, global warming is real, toilet water swirls counter-clockwise in Southern Hemisphere, Santa is fake, etc... etc... etc... OP just has to nip in the bud. Nip it. Nip.
Well global warming is real... It may not have the direct and noticeable effect of getting really hot all of a sudden but the earth is climbing in temperature every year and believe it or not will result in the next iceage happening much sooner than the earth originally planed. Thumb me down but science has proven this theory, it's happened before except much slower
How did my comment about smiles and bubbles turn into a multi sentence debate on global warming? :S
#8- I love your picture! Lol consuela!!
Oh fanks, I like yours also. Consuela is the main reason I enjoy that show. She's amazing.
True dat. Its a Shame she's in barely any parts
148- Yawn. Have done many research papers on the subject. Not proven. Still a theory.
170 - Say 'just a theory' again. I dare you, I double dare you ************, say 'just a theory' one more goddamn time!
Aww shit, you just did it. Don't be complaining to us when your world be burnin' and we do nothing because you just had to say it again!
Ya the earth goes thru natural phases of climate shift and the earth get really warm and it causes it to fall dramatically into an iceage it's happened hundreds of time in the earths history and it will happen again global warming simply states that we as humans r speeding up that process which will cause the next iceage must sooner than it should have happened
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway9- time to get a ******* life. Just kidding. That wasn't nice.

So she thinks she's full of air? That makes sense, sounds like she's an airhead....
Just nod your head and say yes