You must conform

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Germany - Titisee-neustadt

Today, I'm the only grandchild who regularly visits, calls, and runs errands for my grandparents, even though I live two hours away. I'm also their biggest disappointment because I'm not married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 546
You deserved it 1 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go with the flow and ignore it. I am 41, married, have kids, and my grandma still thinks I am gay, all because I didn't care about girls when I was a teenager. As long as you are happy with your life the way it is, who cares what the grandparents think.

If I've learned anything from rom-coms, it's that hiring an actor to play your husband will result in marriage. You should start taking tips from movies. It's guaranteed to work.


Just go with the flow and ignore it. I am 41, married, have kids, and my grandma still thinks I am gay, all because I didn't care about girls when I was a teenager. As long as you are happy with your life the way it is, who cares what the grandparents think.

If I've learned anything from rom-coms, it's that hiring an actor to play your husband will result in marriage. You should start taking tips from movies. It's guaranteed to work.

Tjpink 6

I have the exact same problem. In my family no matter what you accomplish, you are nothing without a husband. And I don't have one haha fml

It is not their fault.. They have grown up like this!! Dont feel bad they still love you

#5 is right. It probably just their family values they grew up with. Personally, I don't think you need someone else to show your accomplishments. And for those who thumbed #5's comment, you don't have a right to judge and that was in called for.

askullnamedbilly 33

That's really not an excuse. There are plenty of old people who are perfectly accepting of things like homosexuality, single parents, different religions, cultures, races and lifestyles. If they can manage, so can anyone else in their generation. Being old and having grown up with different values does NOT mean you should get away with being stubborn and refusing to change with the times. They didn't enter a time machine and woke up in a radically different world, they had just as much time to adjust as everyone else did.

And the people who grew up before cars shouldn't have learned to drive.

They can believe Op would be better off married, but telling her this is the problem. I was not aware my grandmother was super racist in her younger years until she died and I read through her diaries. She changed with the times, or at the very least learned to keep her tongue. If my grandmother can do it, these people can appreciate their granddaughter is loving enough to help them out and not care she is unmarried.

Were you the only one who showed up for burgers?

yellowzinnias 20

Pawpaw actually lives near me, and last week he hosted another cookout. HUNDREDS of people showed up from all of the U.S. & Canada! They did a special news story about it. lol Also, he admitted that two of the grandkids didn't even know about the previous dinner and one thought it was the next day. They're all teenagers. :)

Tell them you will have no time to visit them once you are married and have kids. What kind of disappointment would that be?

Maybe tell them how you feel, tell them that the reason the others don't do any of the stuff you do for them is because they don't have time because of their family responsibilities and if you got married you would stop as well

We all have relatives of a never-happy kind. You are single? Bad! Married, but no kids? Bad! Just one kid? Bad! Too many kids? Oh don't even get them started!!

Yeah, I just came here to say, and if you DO get married, it'll be "when are you having kids?" and then "are you pregnant yet?" and then "you're not getting any younger!" Some people are just like that...if you call them out, they say they "just want you to be happy" but they really want you to make THEM happy.

FalloutScrolls 25

There's just some Paw Paws who will always be sad.