You never know

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired for not asking a senior citizen for proof that he was over 21 and legally allowed to purchase alcohol. When I told my manager he was clearly over 21, he replied, "But what if he WASN'T?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 983
You deserved it 3 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy kids and their drama class. of course he was under make up to look over 60!


As stupid as this is, if your store does not have a policy in place stating that you do not have to card anyone visibly over the age of 21, you unfortunately are expected to card everybody. :/

That scenario honestly seems very unlikely. The "what if he wasn't" scenario, that is.

That's completely justified as most places have a mandatory Id requirement for liquor or smokes regardless

In some states, you have to card everyone even if they look like they are over 21. It's just a store policy to cover their butts in case there is an undercover agent who checks for these sorts of things.

Have you never heard the tale of Benjamin Button?

in Pennsylvania, you must have picture ID on you to buy alcohol, no matter what your age is.