You OK dude?

By dragos_dgt - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Romania

Today, at work, my boss stared at me from behind while I made hand gestures and noises at a toaster. I was pretending to be Magneto. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 039
You deserved it 33 760

Top comments

Don't worry, I tried to be wolverine once at a pool party. Apparently girls in bikinis don't find it attractive.


BooGhosted 0

How come grammar Nazis sometimes get thumbed down and sometimes thumbed up on the same spelling mistake?

dragos_dgt 4

Dunno. Gonna find out on Monday.

Panda_Bearr 0

I would have pretended to make the toaster hit him if he kept staring.