By Anonymous - 24/06/2019 00:17

Today, after I got pregnant 22 years ago and my husband became way too overprotective to the point where he became a right pain in the ass, I’m now accidentally pregnant again. It turns out my now 22-year-old son is almost as bad as his dad was. Now I’ve got two of the sods to deal with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 615
You deserved it 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try not to take it the wrong way it's genetics some men have a very strong instinct to protect pregnant women.

TheCrazedHare 7

look, I've seen it before. but you really need to put your foot down about it. Have them stop completely? no but you guys need to find a middle ground.


Maybe third time’s a charm? This time, be an engaged parent and raise this kid right.

Do you think parents are failures if their kids have negative traits?

J15237 25

I would agree with that. There are some things if parents are on top of what they teach their children can be avoided. Such as responsibility and being honest. However, in this case no. So the 22 year old is over protective. Its a sign of love honestly. Pain in the ass? Absolutely! But it still comes from love.

Try not to take it the wrong way it's genetics some men have a very strong instinct to protect pregnant women.

EmDizzle2007 28

things they'd complain about if they didn't have it.

TheCrazedHare 7

look, I've seen it before. but you really need to put your foot down about it. Have them stop completely? no but you guys need to find a middle ground.

TomeDr 24

That’s actually really sweet!

tounces7 27

I'm trying to figure out wtf is going on here. Is she pregnant with her son?

22 years ago, she got pregnant and her husband became an overprotective pain in the ass. Now she's pregnant again, and her husband and her son are both being pains in the ass. I'm assuming her 22 year old son still lives at home.

Oof, does your son have a personality disorder?

I could see how that would be annoying, but that's also very sweet!

J15237 25

Accidental? You only get pregnant the one way. So did we forget the pill, condom or just said **** it I cant get pregnant?