You snooze, you lose

By Homeless - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancé and I toured our dream home. I was so excited about it that I posted all kinds of pictures of it on Facebook. My boss's daughter just called and said she loved my pictures so much that she made an offer on the house. We were one week away from making an offer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 424
You deserved it 34 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a bitch of a thing to do! Hope it works out!

youngmessage 0


superfreak 0

WOW!?!? dont you think it was a little idiotic to even post something up before it was final??? i dont think your boss's daughter did anything wrong, she just jumped on an opportunity!!!Try making a higher offer_and be smarter next time , GENIUS!!!!

Think of it from the perspective of the seller. It doesn't take a mathematician to know that an additional bidder equals more profits, although I've studied an ample amount of auction theory in school. Economically this is more efficient--the house is going to someone who is willing to pay more, so I see nothing wrong here.

Well, that'll teach you to count your chickens before they've hatched. Cos that bitch just stole your eggs. Enjoy!

BikerMike 0

Find a larger more expensive house that you hate, take a lot of pictures, post them in your facebook, write how much this house is better than the previous one. then wait and see if the bosses daughter takes the bait. most likely the bosses daughter is trying to piss you off or steal attention. There is a time when you do not need to tell everyone what you are going to do.

aquarius6 0

if it's not yours yet, keep it hush hush

(S)He who hesitates is lost. Well done; I applaud you for teaching everyone a lesson.

YDI for posting information about something that could potentially be coveted by others that you didn't even own yet.