You snooze, you lose

By Homeless - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my fiancé and I toured our dream home. I was so excited about it that I posted all kinds of pictures of it on Facebook. My boss's daughter just called and said she loved my pictures so much that she made an offer on the house. We were one week away from making an offer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 461
You deserved it 34 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a bitch of a thing to do! Hope it works out!

youngmessage 0


twilight_addict 0

why do you have your boss's daughter's facebook to start off with? if you didn't have her facebook this situation wouldn't be happening

Oh that is ****** up. I'm sorry. I hope it'll turn out ok, but since she's your boss' daughter she'll probably beat you when it comes to money.

******* bitch....if she KNEW you wanted it...why the **** did she have the nerve to offer on it instead!?

what a bitch! but why would u have her on ur facebook? i wouldnt :|

Sambo110 0

Why would you post pictures on Facebook? Some people just make no sense at all.

Yup, just one more piece of proof that Facebook ruins lives...

I don't think you deserve it but next time keep it to yourself because there's always someone who will try to rain on your parade. By the way your boss' daughter is a low life piece of shit bitch knowing you wanted that house badly.

You NEVER advertise your intention to bid on something until you do so. That's just plain foolish.