You were warned

By Anonymous - 20/07/2013 21:44 - United States - Austin

Today, I was removing large shrubs from a house. I heard my co-worker yell something, but I couldn't hear him, so I just pulled the stump out anyway. What I realized too late was that he was telling me that there was a swarm of bees living behind the stump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 513
You deserved it 12 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Was your friend telling you not to misbeehave?

Evil_Wench 16

So you're working outside, probably with potentially dangerous tools, and you decide to ignore your yelling co-worker and plow right ahead with what you were doing? Yeah...YDI

On the bright side, at least they weren't wasps.

perdix 29

You should tell your co-worker to mind his own bees' wax. Anyways, you just take a few days off from work for having a bad case of the hives.

Man, that's gotta sting. Think bee-fore you act next time, honey!

xblaine 17

"What are you saying I'm sorry I can't hear you over this buzzing" " Holy Shit!"