You were warned

By kko - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a man next to me was feeding the birds when he ran out of food. We were at Adventure Island and there were "Do not feed the birds" signs everywhere. The birds then became aggressive and started savaging the both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 669
You deserved it 4 896

Same thing different taste


I hate it when people who don't read signs!!!

angry birds!!! don't just stand there, run!

haileyylyynn 0
julialoves0521 0
waywil 0
The_Jibby 0

This post is so poorly written it is physically hurting me.

Adventure Island in Southend? Agreed, I hare the birds there. I was shat on whilst on Rage, so I feel your pain. FYL indeed.

sillysarah2013 5

i freaking HATE the birds there. there and at busch gardens they're HORRIBLE.