You what?

By charliesangel123 - 21/02/2010 17:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was waiting downstairs at my boyfriend's house as he got ready to go. His mom came over and said she was so glad her son had met me, that I made him really happy. I smiled thinking how nice that was of her to say. She then continued, "Still, he tells me anal is a no?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 523
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ahahahahahahaaahahahahahaha that histaricle

mama2b3 20

ydi for not being open to it :p

kaijapapaya 0

If a couple has tried anal and it hurts the girl, she shouldn't have to keep letting the guy do it. He should respect her enough to not want to cause her pain.

If it hurts, you're doing it wrong.

Truthfully I don't think they should even have to try it. If your partner doesn't want to try something they shouldn't have to. People like different things and it's selfish to expect your partner to do anything you would like to. Either way it is kind of creepy and unsettling he would talk to his mother about it...

skyeyez9 24

Why do guys think its hot to stick their dick into a girl's large intestines?!

Well let's look at the pros here: it's tighter it's warmer don't need a condom it's more degrading to the woman Honestly I don't see what ISN'T hot about it.

ComMed 0

I agree with #77 hit it right on the ass I mean nose

Only circumcised guys like anal because thier foreskin is gone and they feel nothing unless it's pinhole tight. And keep in mind that you might be pumping poop. it's not like the movies. ;)

seems u need anal douche....! it cleans up ur hole..! lol

that's not an fml...I don't know what the **** that is...

ha wow AWKWARD tell the lady how it is bur still.. ak-ward