A step too far
By Anonymous - 10/12/2010 02:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/12/2010 02:23 - United States
By thanks a lot - 04/05/2020 05:00
By Damnit - 17/11/2011 18:11 - United States
By indefiniteforest - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Hillsboro
By DefinitelyNotMyMeds - 22/02/2019 20:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 04:29 - United States - Bentonville
By jakestorm - 04/09/2019 20:00
By arse of fire :( - 23/02/2013 00:31 - United Kingdom - Slough
By n - 04/04/2015 18:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/12/2011 01:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 00:30 - United States
right before something important too :D
Ahh dumping him would make her lonely and upset. Not exactly good timing.
Hide laxatives in his food before a HUGE interview or a 5+ hour trip
Nice word of the use dump I feel!
lol I would fight fire with fire. I'd shot him in the leg and give him viagra for the pain. *kidding*
47 - you retard! *blush*
84 love it! Then, light him on fire with a blow torch; makes perfect sense.
your boyfriend... you have a choice in the matter. I say hide laxatives in his food...
You seriously come on FML the same day your friend died???
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayhope that doesn't happen to u
I agree with 12. op's friend died, not her goldfish. cheering her up won't be effective, especially with laxatives.. wtf
"Not the best timing"? If he'd cracked a funny joke (i.e. verbally), while OP's grief was still so fresh that she wanting comforting, not cheering up, that's bad timing. This, however... Even if you don't consider the whole friend-just-died situation for a moment, but just a random person with a bad enough headache to ask for a painkiller. And instead of aspirin, their boyfriend gives them a laxative, so now they can have stomach pain and diarrhea in addition to the headache! Fun, right? No, of course not. How can you even consider that a funny-haha joke? How is it anything but a jerk-ass prank, regardless of the situation? So, combined with the fact that it wasn't a random situation, but OP was grieving over a good friend that'd just died... "not the best timing" doesn't even begin to cover it. As for the good intentions thing... if I were to break your arm, then exclaim "but I did that to cheer you up!", would you go "oh, alright then, at least your intentions were good"? Probably not, because everyone can see how incurring physical pain isn't ever going to cheer someone up. How is OP's boyfriend causing her physical pain and discomfort really that much different? OP: I'm sorry. Both for the loss of your friend and that fact that your boyfriend is a complete moron. :/
TLDR:* She thinks the bf is an asshole
You're an idiot.
I agree. And right before a job interview or something important ;)
4 I think you hurt 49s feelings there 49 stop acting like a little baby there is a time for a prank and there is a time to sit with your girl and hold her and try to make her feel better I would be pissed if my friend died and some ass hole did something that stupid to me some one would be hurting when I got done with them
Next time you blow him, bite on his balls and tell him you thought it'd be fun ;) Or get him worked up to have sex, then tell him you wanna stop there because you think it'll be more fun. Or some variation of revenge. Doesn't have to be sexual, my mind's just in that place right now.
the second one could lead to domestic violence or rape. depends on how u play it all out.
#11 - no it wouldn't.
yes it would. or major blue balls and a rugburn
When I get blue-balled I tend to get rapey. at least my neighbors now know to keep their pets and small children indoors at all times.
For the love of god o.o don't cute hit balls.
Def agreed. He shouldnt be pulling little kid games right now since he knows this is when you will be needing him the most. He needs to have some compassion and grow up. Im sorry about the death of your friend OP. I know how that can be, my nephew has been gone for a yr now due to someone shooting him and killing him. Innocent person, and had a full life to live. Wrong place at the wrong time. GL OP, this will pass soon not now and im sorry
Well, something tells me your boyfriend is a dick. I don't know what though...
holy crap, your man is a bona fide tard. because we all know it's nice to try and make our significant others shit profusely after already enduring tremendous amounts of physical and emotional pain... |the kid|
Yeah, and wasn't it HILARIOUS?? Haha, sure cheered ME up! AHAHAHAHA-- Agree on the bona fide 'tard.
ha! starile, i was positively bawling with laughter! :O of course, the natural thing to do here is post your ear close to the shut door while your victim is busy blasting their innermost, er, innards in or around the toilet. and wait. too bad that's not nice in real life. |the kid|
I am so sick of this word...epic...this is not epic.
How many courics was it?
i recommend you go read maddox's article on this very overused word. |the kid|
Dump him after hiding laxatives in his food.
Next time you blow him, bite on his balls and tell him you thought it'd be fun ;) Or get him worked up to have sex, then tell him you wanna stop there because you think it'll be more fun. Or some variation of revenge. Doesn't have to be sexual, my mind's just in that place right now.