By goincrazy - 16/07/2012 08:12 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, my thoughts that I'm going crazy were confirmed when I got into the shower with my socks on. The worst part is that I didn't realize it for a good five minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 304
You deserved it 5 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not necessarily going crazy. You may just be a little bit absent-minded.

alwaysbored13 14

You're not going crazy, it probably happened because you were tired.


You're not necessarily going crazy. You may just be a little bit absent-minded.

Or failing to exercise the little somethings stored in the head that we call brain cells.

Unless his socks were on his ears. Then he might be a little crazy.

Or perhaps your socks were wet before going in.

signs of Alzheimer's. get it checked, the earlier the better

Jokes on you ALL, he took a 2 minute shower.

73 - Idiot. The FML states he took a shower that was at least five minutes long. Learn to read.

imavelociraptor 6

Well OP is losing his mind. His absent-mindedness comes from the fact that he is "losing" it.

39- having wet socks would be even more of a reminder... Op i use to do that with my underwear every now and then but I was like 8 or 9 then

I do this with my glasses all the time. -.-

noelykins1 19

One time I went in with my bra an didn't realize for a minute or two so it's not totally weird..

I think we've all done something weird once in our life that made us think we were losing the plot. I once turned the house upsidedown searching for something, only to find I had it in my hand the entire time *facepalms*. Yes, the brain can fail you sometimes.

daisiebud 18

I've gone into the shower with my socks on before. Also with my glasses on, but that becomes apparent very quickly because I can't see O.o

Your not crazy, you probably just had other things on your mind.

OP was busy focusing on his "private shower time".

unknown_user5566 26

76- "Private shower time" is certainly a serious matter, can't blame them for forgetting to lose the socks due to their excitement. ;)

alwaysbored13 14

You're not going crazy, it probably happened because you were tired.

the_anti_hipster 7

Crazy? Or in desperate need of coffee? Invest in a good coffee brewer and save your socks.

OP isn't crazy. I did this when I was very tired. Happens to people more often then you'd think. I noticed sooner though. That's the difference.

Maybe the voices in op's head said to go in with socks on.

I do that all the time with my glasses on.

I do too, then I wonder why my eyes are getting wet and streaky.

sunnyt 5

I always do it with my bra on. One time I didn't even realize it until I stepped out of the shower.

Haha, I was about to write the same thing xD It just feels so natural.

Get a therapist though if you actually think your going crazy. But I've gone in the shower with my socks on but I realized immediately.

neda389 0

well now your socks got washed ;) good came out of it

saIty 17

*Squish squish squish* Omg I'm home alone and I think I hear footsteps... This is how I die *5 min later* I'm wearing my socks...