By TooSunnyForSkin - 05/06/2013 04:22 - United States - Huntington

Today, I found out my work gave me a vacation for my performance. It's a trip to somewhere in the Caribbean, with the nickname "The Sunniest Place on Earth." I have skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 921
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

I hear the Arctic is pretty nice at this time of the year.

NickaPLZ 26

Wow. At least your work gave you something like that! I hear tons of places are cutting back!


oj101 33

I hear the Arctic is pretty nice at this time of the year.

yeah this time, last time, pretty much ALL times of the year...

The Arctic is experiencing 3 months of sun right know if I remember correctly D:

That sucks OP. I guess you could sell the vacation online and use the money to go somewhere less sunny :)

Or politely reject it and ask for a small raise instead.

or see if the tickets and reservation are refundable

NickaPLZ 26

Wow. At least your work gave you something like that! I hear tons of places are cutting back!

give it to one of your family members or try selling it

I don't think you can give away or sell skin cancer.

he was talking about giving the trip away

I think 37 was trying to be funny. Although one should never joke about cancer, that's just wrong.

Joking about cancer is never funny. Unless it's on a clown.

Yes, because the ONLY thing to do on a beautiful tropical island is lie out in the sun, right? Congratulations on winning. Bring sunscreen and a hat.

It would still suck to go. Where OP would hear how amazing the beach and the diving is, OP could imagine it all at the tropical themed casino and lounge bar...

Note: casinos and lounge bars in the tropics are almost never tropical themed. They're extremely americanized and are usually very dark, shutting out all light and external sound.

That may be true for the one you visited, but the islands in the Dutch Antilles had nothing but tropical themed casinos and bars.

TheDrifter 23

Beaches are plenty beautiful from under the trees with a Margarita in hand.

That still doesn't help his skin cancer. UV rays not actual sunlight....

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That joke was in really poor taste... -1 for you.

So you have nothing to lose. Go enjoy your vacation.

Simply talk about it with your boss / HR. I'm sure you can come to an arrangement, maybe some cash instead, especially since you seem good at your job.