By TooSunnyForSkin - 05/06/2013 04:22 - United States - Huntington

Today, I found out my work gave me a vacation for my performance. It's a trip to somewhere in the Caribbean, with the nickname "The Sunniest Place on Earth." I have skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 920
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

I hear the Arctic is pretty nice at this time of the year.

NickaPLZ 26

Wow. At least your work gave you something like that! I hear tons of places are cutting back!


Could your destination be switched for Prince Rupert, British Columbia? Prince Rupert is said to have the least number of sunny days per year in North America. Good luck! I hope you recover well.

Hey, that means you have good job performance! Maybe they will find a better place for you. Anywhere you would like to go less sunny?

how could anyone click on "you deserve it"?? skin cancer isn't a joke. best wishes OP. hope your better soon.

I clicked YDI because OP is essentially complaining that he's getting recognized for his hard work and dedication.

IronMan3758 4

Some people wanna watch the world burn

Darn, that's really too bad about your condition... Hope they give you a more suitable vacation.

Yeah, because it's not like OP has skin cancer...oh wait.

That is so insensitive of your work! (and a whole lot of commenters!) Still, I hope you can enjoy the free holiday. And I hope you are doing well, health wise.

What's the worst that could happen?