By TooSunnyForSkin - 05/06/2013 04:22 - United States - Huntington

Today, I found out my work gave me a vacation for my performance. It's a trip to somewhere in the Caribbean, with the nickname "The Sunniest Place on Earth." I have skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 920
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

I hear the Arctic is pretty nice at this time of the year.

NickaPLZ 26

Wow. At least your work gave you something like that! I hear tons of places are cutting back!


You could have taken away all that and just left "I have skin Cancer"

I think "I have skin cancer" would be FML enough... but wow. FYL indeed. Good luck beating it.

Quit your bitching and wear some sun screen and enjoy your free trip.

#75 Are you ******* stupid? Do you think skin cancer is some kind of mild inconvenience?

Hope you can switch to another vacation.

How the hell are people clicking the *You Deserved It* button?! Its not OPs fault if they have cancer! Douches