By BlueMacaw - 25/07/2016 14:38 - United States - Edmond

Today, at church, I sneezed suddenly and messily into my hand just as the priest asked us to stand and greet our neighbors with a handshake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 669
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you're supposed to sneeze into your elbow.

Agrees with the other comments, sneeze into your elbow. Do you not have tissues with you? I dont always have tissues but Ive kept restaurant napkins in my backpack or in my pockets just in case. Put yourself in another persons shoes, would you shake hands with someone who just sneezed into their hand?


That's why you're supposed to sneeze into your elbow.

FarmerGirl420 11

Always carry hand sanitizer.

I sneeze into my shirt, I can't afford to have dirty forearms.

That is why you should sneeze into your sleeve. How were you planning to wash your hands afterwards??

Agrees with the other comments, sneeze into your elbow. Do you not have tissues with you? I dont always have tissues but Ive kept restaurant napkins in my backpack or in my pockets just in case. Put yourself in another persons shoes, would you shake hands with someone who just sneezed into their hand?

Meh, Love thy neighbour with some greasy snot

Don't worry, the power of prayer will cure all sickness so the priest won't catch your cold. At least, that's what I was taught. Maybe I don't pray hard enough...

AssCancer 5

Well I was gonna comment inb4 gaytheists but you're already here

AssCancer 5

Well since my comment was moderated, I won't be so "mean", I was gonna say inb4 dumb atheists but you're already here

In which case you simply say sorry, that you just sneezed into your hand, and maybe awkwardly offer your other hand.

Shaking with the left hand is simply not done. You use your right foot instead.

What did you do: shake hands or excuse yourself?

ZacIngmire 7

Your fault for going to church.

it is considered rude to offer your left hand. people in the victorian era used to wipe their ass with their left hand.

saffy66 34

I'm pretty sure they'd understand, since they were right there to witness the sneeze. This isn't the Victorian era now.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

19, that's the dumbest shit I have ever heard.