By BlueMacaw - 25/07/2016 14:38 - United States - Edmond

Today, at church, I sneezed suddenly and messily into my hand just as the priest asked us to stand and greet our neighbors with a handshake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 669
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you're supposed to sneeze into your elbow.

Agrees with the other comments, sneeze into your elbow. Do you not have tissues with you? I dont always have tissues but Ive kept restaurant napkins in my backpack or in my pockets just in case. Put yourself in another persons shoes, would you shake hands with someone who just sneezed into their hand?


Don't shake other people's hands! It's bad karma!!

It's just your soul trying to escape, so what does it matter if your soul gets on your neighbor's hand?

Use your other hand lol. Just tell them what happened

Your post says hand. Could you not have used your other hand?

Just hold out your hands together and say "This is the boogie of Christ..."

Well, at least all that Catholic mass I was forced to attend did some good...

This is why you don't cough into your hand.

Aaaaaaannnnnddddddd it's not a cough......

cootiequeen4444 11

please tell me you didn't shake some poor fool's hand with your freshly goober'd up hand... Then it wouldn't be eff your life. it would be effective theirs...

cootiequeen4444 11

that noob moment when you wait for the countdown to go away so you can edit your comment only to find out that during the countdown is the only time you can edit.. sigh...